ADH104-A8060-Aileron Trailing Edge
ADJ6-DA7086-Rudder Pedal Locking Ring Assy
ADJ7-DA7088- Buckle (Control Locking Gear)
ADJ8-DA7089-Lower Hook Control Locking
ADJ70-D7178-Upper Hook Control Locking Gear
AJC940–JL31950–Wing Tank Conversion
AJE158-JA50570-Shock Cord Assy S.O.O
AJF1035-J62357-Lead Earth Eng Mount to Fuselage
AJH149–JA81143–Assembly of tank strap
AJH152–JA81147–Bracket Assembly (Front)
AJK324-J74732-Boss (Wind Driven Generator Propellor)
AJK325-J74733-Ring (Wind Driven Generator Propellor)
CDN6-DA9058-Rigging Alignment Jig
CJE154-JA50560-Lever Assy, CR1171-Reinforcing of Stern Post, CR1099-Insertion Repair to Stern Post
CJH154–Assembly–Intermediate Rib (Tank Bay)
CKH9–KA80414–Fuel Tank Support Bracket-Front
CKH26–KA80439–Fuel Tank Support Bracket-Rear
CSK2157-Mod1828-Undercarriage strengthing
CJH154–Assembly–Intermediate Rib (Tank Bay)
D5-126-Scott Steerable Tailwheel Bungees D5-180
DDJ5-DA7087-Control Locking Gear
DGJ9-GL9092-Control Locking Gear Assy
DJE661-See Table-Installation Scott Tail Wheel
DJK268-JA73193-Windmill for 2 purpose Generator
EDD1-CL40-Assy of Tail Surfaces
EDE17LR-DA5007LR-Fabric Covering Undercarriage
EDG1 Sheet 1- EL70727-1-Assy of Cabin Fittings
EDG1 Sheet 2-EL70727-2 Assy of Cabin Fittings Side View
EDG1 Sheet 3-EL70727-3 Assy of Cabin Fittings Plan View
EDG1 Sheet 4-EL70727-4 Assy of Cabin Fittings View Aft
EDL1 Sheet 2-DL80213-General Arrangement of Lift Struts
EEA2 Sheet 1-EA10128-Fuselage Frame Assy
EEA2 Sheet 2-See List-Fuselage Frame Assy
EEA22-EA10063-Cabin Top Frame Assy
EEA26LR-EL10064LR-Side Window Assy
EEC18-EL3162-8 Gallon Aux Tank Installation
EEG13-EA70195-Wireless Rack Assy
EEH6LR-EA80078LR-Front Mainplane Spar
EEH7LR-EA80079LR-Rear Mainplane Spar
EEH77LR-EA80110LR-Layout of Flap
EGA9-GL10181-Assy of Control Cable Fairleads Pulley to Fuselage
EGE2LR-GA50078LR-Fabric Covering Undercarriage
EGE4-GA51284LR-Assembly of Undercarriage Frame
EGF2-GL6180-Assy of Engine Cowlings
EGF4-GA6363-Front Bottom Cowl Assy
EGF82-GA6398-Cover Plate for Air intake
EGF134-G6397-Nose Cowl Pressing
EGF142-GL6136MK2-Front Cowling Panel Lines
EGG27-GA70473-Assy of Rear Seat
EGG68-GA70360-Instrument Panel
EGH33LR-GA30264LR mk2-Wing Frame Assy OF.
EGH41LR-GL80257LR Bay1 Wing Frame Assy
EGH42LR-GL80258LR-Bay2 Wing Frame Assy
EGH43LR-GL80259LR-Bay3 Wing Frame Assy
EGH44LR Mk2-GL80260LR-Bay4 Wing Frame Assy
EGH45LR-GL80261LR-Bay5 Wing Frame Assy
EGH46LR-GL80262LR-Bay6 Wing Frame Assy
EJ70-JL098-Loading of CG Diagram
EJ87 Sheet 3-JL0159-Preparation of Cable Ends
EJ231-JL0332-Wiring Diagram 12V (Theoretical)
EJ288-Jl0396-3 View G.A A61 Series 3
EJA12 Sheet 1-See list- Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA12 Sheet 2-See Sheet1-Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA18-JA10999-Final Fuselage Assy
EJA60-JL11102-Assy of Cabin Controls
EJA65-JA11134-Primary Fuselage Assy
EJA204-JL11643-Assy of Woodwork to Fuselage
EJA306-See table-Moulded Windscreen
EJA309-JL11778-Assy of Cabin Roof & Side Windows
EJA316-See Table-Assy of Tail Surfaces
EJA435-See Table-Glider or Banner Towing Installations
EJA478-JL12223-Assy of Glider Towing beam to Aircraft
EJA1005-JL13622-Assy of Woodwork to Fuselage
EJA1270-See Table-Fabric Covering Fuselage
EJA1309-JA15004-Rear Cowl Assy & Seapack Panels
EJA1346-JL14266-Assy of Cabin Roof & Side Windows
EJA1362-See Table-Assy-Upholstery to Fuselage
EJA1559-J14875-Moulded Windshield
EJA1597-See Table-Assy of Tail Surfaces
EJA1600 Sheet 1-JA14947-Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA1600 Sheet 3-See Sht1-Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA1600 Sheet 4-See Sht1-Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA1600 Sheet 5-See Sht1-Fuselage Frame Assy Details on Door Frame
EJA1600 Sheet 6-See Sht1-Fuselage Frame Assy
EJA1618-J14988-Firewall (Basic Drilling)
EJA1875-JL15828-Final Fuselage Assy
EJA3029-JL18328-Glider Towing Installation
EJA3183-JL18767-Mod Reqd to Mk5 Firewall
EJA3189-JL18774-Assy of Engine Installation (O-320)
EJA3192-JL18778-Assy of Cabin Controls in Mk5
EJA3211-JL18804-Layout of Throttle and Mixture Controls
EJB46-JL2356-G.A. of Flying Controls
EJB87-See Table-Assy of Control Column & Rudder Pedals
EJC291-See Note-Long Range Tank Installation
EJC291-See Note-Long Range Tank Installation
EJC313-JL30077-Installation of Long Range Fuel Tank
EJC319LR-J30041LR-L.R.T. Side Panel
EJC455–MOD3470–Wing tank assembly to wing
EJC574-JA52105-Nose Wheel Spat
EJC1102-See Table- Installation Long Range Fuel Tank
EJE359LR-JA51283LR-Undercarriage Leg
EJE360LR-See Table- Fabric Covered Undercarriage
EJE361-See Table- Undercarriage Brakes & Wheel Assy
EJE665-JL52372-Installation Fully Castoring Tailwheel & Damper
EJE725-443-Installation Hydraulic Dual Brakes
EJE3055-JA18381-Towing Hook Mounting Structure
EJF135LR-JA6911LR-Fabricated Riveted Engine Mount
EJF306-JA60173-Assy of Top Cowling
EJF404 Sht1-JL60668-Engine Installation Controls & Fuel System
EJF404 Sht2-JL60668-JL61275- Engine Installation Controls & Fuel System
EJF427-JL60951-G.A.of Engine Cowling
EJF433-See Table-Exhaust Silencer
EJF436-JA60727-Nose Cowling Assy
EJF485-JA60832-G.A Fuel Pump Priming
EJF579-See Block-G.A of Engine Cowlings
EJF628-JA61171-Assy of Undershield
EJF950-See Table-G.A Exhaust System
EJF1091-See Table-Assy of Cowlings & Engine to Fuselage
EJF1122-JL62520-Assy of Engine Runs
EJF1123-JL62521-Mods to Engine Control on Sloping Bulkhead
EJF1285-JL63455-Cabin Heater and Demist System
EJF1608-See Table-Installation of fixed Pitch Propellor
EJF1662-JA63931-Cowling Frame Assy
EJF1664-JA63934-Top Cowl for MK5 with O-320
EJG92-JA70717-Instrument Panel Assy
EJG303-J71150-Instrument Panel
EJG1223-See Block-Inst. of Staandard Instriment Panel
EJG1309-J75533-Instrument Cover Panel
EJG1376-J75656-Inst. of Direction Finder and AH
EJG3016-J702896-Mounting Panel Stbd E
JG3165-JA703264-Full Blind Flying Panel Assy S.O.O
EJG3379-JA704082-Mounting Panel Assy-Blind Flying
EJG3398-JA704025-Mounting Panel Stbd
EJG3728-JA705758-Mod to MK5 Panel for O-320 Engine
EJG3738-JA705811-Stbd Cover Panel
EJH264LR–JA81261LR–Skin, Tank Bay
EJH71LR-JA80546LR-Wing Frame Assy OF
EJH72LR–JA 80547LR–Fabric covering wing
EJH111LR-JL80750LR-Bay 1 Wing Frame Assy
EJH139-JA81132LR-Fabric Covering Wing
EJH140LR-JA81133LR-G.A. of Wing
EJH338LR-JA81413LR-G.A Wing Structure
EJH358LR-JA81435LR-Aileron Frame Assy
EJH437LR-JA81636LR-Fabric Covering Wing
EJK261 Sht 2-See Drawing-Wing Driven Generator Inst.
EK28-KL0120-Doping and Stencilling Scheme (Canadian)
EK32-KL0143-Stencilling Diagram Camo Version Mk6
EKA4 Sheet 1-KA14132-Fuselage Frame Assy
EKA115-KL11489-G.A. of Tailwheel (Glider Towing)
EKA119-KL11485-Fuselage Fabric Covering
EKA123 Mk2-KL11497-Assy of Cabin Controls & Instruments to Fuselage
EKA301LR-KA12016LR-Complete Door Assy
EKE248LR-KA51248LR-Fabric Covered Undercarriage
EKF16-KL6469-G.A of Engine Cowlings
EKG3 Mk3-K70826mk3-Instrument Panel
EKG4 Mk3-KA70828mk3-Instrument Panel Assy
EKG74-KL71341-Pilots Seat Assy
EKG283-KA72363-Assy of Rear Seat
EKH3 LR Sheet 3-KA82049LR-Wing Frame Assy Bay2
EKH3 LR Sheet 4-KA82049LR-Wing Frame Assy Bay3
EKH3 LR Sheet 5-KA82049LR-Wing Frame Assy Bay4
EKH3 Sheet 1-KA82049-Wing Frame Assy
EKH313-KA80881-Spar Mainplane Front Stbd Canadian Auster
EKH314 Sheet 2-See Sheet-Wing Frame Assy (Canadian Auster)
EKH360-KA81060-Generator Fairing
EKH385LR-KA81112LR-G.A.of Wing (Canadian Auster)
EKK1-KL70837-G.A.of Wireless Installation
EKK570-KA701197-Wireless Crate Assy
EKK577-KA701321-Wireless Crate Assy (Top)
EQ5 Sht 1-QL0136-Doping Scheme
EQ7-QL0138-Stencilling Diagram E
EQK6-QL72754-G.A.of Inter Comm Installation
ER1005-Insertion Repair to Stern Post and Bottom Longerons
ER1032-Welded Repair to Streamline section of Lift Struts
ESK3375-Geometry of Gliding Towing Installation
FJ87 Sheet 1-JL0159-Standard Practical Wiring Diagram
FJ87 Sheet 2-Electrical Cables Wiring Table
FJ186-JL0280-Spat Lines Nosewheel
FJ230 Sheet 1-JL0331-Wiring Diagram 12V Practical
FJA2092-JL16074-Assy of Equipment on Firewall
FJA2867-JL17931-Inst of Glider Release Mechanism to A61
FJA3014-JL18246-Luggage Compartment Door and Door Frame
FJA3125-JA18530-Bow and Cross Tube Assy
FJA3204-JA18797-Equipment on Firewall
FJA3210-JA18803-Final Fuselage Assy-A61
FJC301-JA30038 & JA30206-Fuel Tank Assy Long Range
FJC327-JA30474-Assy Pressed Long Range Tank
FJE643 Sheet 1-JL52313-Installation of Hydraulic Brakes
FJE643 Sheet 2-JL52313-Installation of Hydraulic Brakes
FJE643 Sheet 3-JL52313-Installation of Hydraulic Brakes
FJF904-JA61917-Engine Mount Lycoming O-320
FJF920-See Table-G.A.Engine Installation Lycoming O-320
FJF1148-JL62575-G.A.Engine Installation of Lycoming O-360
FJF1160-JL62625-Installation of Constant Speed Propellor
FJF1663-JL63933-Installation Lycoming O-320 Engine in MK5 Aircraft
FJG2780-JL701801-Position of Instruments on Engine Change
FJG3-JL70-Assy Cover Panels (Crash Roll & Deckings)
FJG3171-JL703282-Installation of Instrument Panel (Full B.F)
FJG3380-JL704083-Installation of Instrument Panel (Std)
FJG3737-JL705810-Installation of Instrument Panels
FJH485 Sheet 5-JA81776LR-Wingframe Assy
FJK465-See Drawing-Installation of Wind Driven Generator into wind
FJK843-JL701706-G.A.of Electrical System
FJK1022-JL703332-Compass Mounting
FJK1309-JL705775-G.A.Electrical System MK5 Aircraft with Lycoming O-320
FJK1319-JL705807-G.A. of Electrical System (A61-3)
FKA344LR-KL12385LR-Installation of Sliding Window
FKH3LR Sheet 2-KA82049LR-Wingframe Assy Bay 1
FKH431LR-KA82025LR-Spar Mainplane Front
FKH432LR-KA82038LR-Spar Mainplane Rear
FQK134-QL77365-Installation Plessey PTR 61E VHF
QA43-QL13144-Installation Dual Control Brakes
RNA MIM 4 ISS Z-JL15305-MIM4-Assy of Brake Mechanism to Fuselage
SK459-Taylorcraft Auster Mk5 Model Plans
Completed 18 Feb 2024