Membership renewal occurs on the 1st JANUARY every year.
If you pay by Standing Order the renewal is automatic and there is nothing for you to do. However, please can you check the amount as the membership increased as of 01/01/2024 and the rate is now £50. Please change your Standing Order if necessary. If you need help with this, please contact the Membership Secretary.
The Standing Order mandate (SOm) method is the preferred one (especially for UK residents) as it reduces the administrative workload and it saves you money!
You can easily see your renewal date with your Membership number in the “My Profile Summary” box on the right hand side of this screen. If you see (SO) after the date, you are already paying by Standing Order - thank you.
Membership costs £55 per year (£50 for Standing Order payment).
You will not receive a personal renewal letter, however, we put regular reminders in the club magazine, on the website, Facebook and on the forum.
How do I renew my Membership?
If you have access to online banking and would like to pay by Bank Transfer in the UK or from overseas, please email the Membership Secretary.
If you are in the UK, you can also set up a Standing Order online.
Overseas Members may not be able to set up a Standing Order mandate.
Alternatively, if you are in the UK, complete the Standing Order Mandate and send it to the membership secretary along with a cheque (made payable to International Auster Club) for the current year. The Membership Secretary will then complete the form with our bank account details and add our reference before forwarding to your bank.
Download Standing Order Mandate (SOm) Form
Overseas Members, and the odd UK Member, wishing to use Paypal can click on the PayPal link below. Most credit cards are accepted through Paypal.
Please always use your name and membership number in any correspondence or reference for bank payments/Paypal etc.
How do I contact the Membership Secretary?
Heather Wankowska (IAC Membership)
Combs Hall
Church Road
Suffolk IP14 2EH
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01449 676859 or Mobile 07543 659065