Password Update Process

To Reset your password, please follow these instructions

1/ On the front page of the website, click the LOST PASSWORD link at the bottom of the login box

Or if you are on the password update required page, click on the RESET YOUR PASSWORD HERE link

2/ You will arrive on this screen. Enter your Username or Email Address.

3/ Once you have entered your username or email, you will see this screen.
Now Check your email for the reset link

4/ You should receive an email similar to this one. Your username will be displayed and a Unique link will be attributed to you. Click on this link

5/ You browser window will open again and you will see this screen where you will set your new password.
Please note, if there is already text or dots in the password box, DELETE them. This is the browser remembering the old password you have previously used. You need to set a new one. Your browser will offer you to update the password.


Examples of Good/Strong Passwords (Combination of Uppercase, Numbers, Characters)
- SkymachineG-20
- Flyingplane-23
- Meetingwings-6K

Do not use the passwords above, they are just examples.

6/ Once you have reset your password you will see this screen

Click on the Login Link, and enter your Username and NEW Password.
Alternatively, go back to and login via the Login box at the bottom.
Please note, if DOTS appear in the Password box, you will need to remove them and enter your NEW password.

If you need any help in this process, please contact the Treasurer by email or phone and the password will be updated for you.